Your Facelift Recovery Explained From Day 1 to Day 30
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C.
Posted on November 15, 2021 under Facelift
You need to plan for many things before surgery, but what about what happens after? Let’s talk about what to expect during the first 30 days following facelift surgery!
What is Facelift Surgery?
A facelift is a type of cosmetic surgery performed to reduce signs of aging on the face. The procedure can tighten sagging skin and remove excess fat in the neck, chin, or cheeks to restore an overall youthful appearance.
When will I be able to go home after my facelift?
After your operation, since at Cosmetic Surgery Associates, Drs. Magge, Jabs, and Richards typically perform a facelift under local anesthesia with sedation, you will be sleepy, but will be able to go home. A friend or family member will then need to drive you home, where you begin your recovery journey.
Facelift Recovery Week 1
Day 1
The first day after surgery can be painful and tiring. The swelling is still there, so you will feel tightness around your throat. The skin on your face may feel taut or swollen. It may also be challenging to move your mouth without some discomfort for this first-week post-op. The head wrap can be removed and you can shower.
Day 2
Often times after a facelift, a drain is not needed. However, if a drain was placed, typically on day 2, you will come into the office to have the head wrap and drain removed. Pain and discomfort are similar to the first day, and may have peaked before the end of the day.
Day 3
You can move around more freely because you are feeling better. Bruising and swelling are starting to peak. In case of any discomfort, continue taking your medication.
Day 4-6
You will likely no longer need pain medication. It is possible to engage in light duties, and the swelling is subsiding.
Facelift Recovery Week 2
You are healing well. After seven to 14 days, you’ll see your swelling going down as well as the appearance of bruises. The swelling and bruising may cause some people to experience numbness, tingling, and tightness. These are common occurrences and should be no cause for alarm. At the end of the second week, most people can engage in light activities, feel themselves, and be ready to go back to work.
Facelift Recovery Weeks 3 and 4
At weeks 3 and 4, you actually may have some remaining swelling and feelings of facial snugness, however, generally, you will look and feel nearly back to normal. This is the time where patients regularly start to see genuine enhancements in their facial form. At this point, people return to social activities without fear of looking swollen or bruised, with any swelling or redness concealable with makeup. Your incision sites may still be red and inflamed, and their appearance will fade from this point on.
What to expect after Day 30
After one month, you are likely able to return to doing typical exercises and start enjoying the results of your facelift. It can require as long as one year for the final bits of swelling and tightness to disappear, but these symptoms tend to only be recognizable to you.
Facelift in Washington, DC
If you’re in the Baltimore or DC area and are frustrated with the appearance of deep wrinkles and other signs of aging on your face, you may be able to benefit from a highly personalized facelift procedure at Cosmetic Surgery Associates. With three board-certified plastic surgeons on staff, we’re capable of handling any of your concerns. Learn more about how a facelift can help you by calling our office or contacting us online today.
Our Plastic Surgery Associates team includes Dr. Franklin Richards, Dr. A. Dean Jabs, and Dr. Keshav Magge. Each of our plastic surgeons is board-certified, and together they have over 60 years of combined experience. Drs. Richards, Jabs, and Magge are all highly qualified in procedures for the face, breast, and body, and pride themselves in providing excellent results through our state-of-the-art, Quad A certified operating centers