DLM Internal

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C.

Posted on May 28, 2000 under DLM FAQ

How long do breast implants last?

Because every patient’s body is unique, and breast augmentation surgery methods are varied, a universally applicable answer to this question is impossible. However, unless your breast implants rupture or you experience capsular contracture, there is no need to replace your breast implants at any set time interval.

How does breast augmentation work?

Breast augmentation works by using customized implants to create a new shape and size of the breasts. The implants are placed either under the pectoral muscle or directly under the breast tissue.

What does breast augmentation mean?

Breast augmentation or augmentation mammoplasty is the procedure that improves breast shape and size. Breast augmentation helps to improve the overall look of the breasts by using implants that are fitted into the breast.

What is capsular contracture, and will it happen after my breast augmentation?

Capsular contracture refers to a possible complication of breast augmentation surgery that takes place when the patient’s body reacts to the introduction of a foreign object (the breast implant) by forming a “capsule” below the implant, causing the implant to harden, and distorting its appearance. When performing breast augmentation surgery, Dr. Jabs and Dr. Richards utilize surgical techniques geared specifically toward avoiding the complication of capsular contraction and will take every precaution to ensure the complete and lasting success of your breast augmentation surgery.

Can breast implants obstruct the results of a mammogram?

Although breast implants can interfere with mammogram results, if you inform your mammography technician about your implants, they will perform additional, specialized scans of your breasts to ensure comprehensive and accurate results of your mammogram.

Will I lose sensation in my nipples or breasts after my breast augmentation surgery?

After breast augmentation surgery, patients may have temporary hyper-sensitivity or sensation loss of the nipple/areola. However, less than 5% of patients will experience a permanent loss of sensation in the nipple/areola region after breast augmentation surgery.

Do I need to postpone my breast augmentation surgery until after I am finished having children?

Patients are generally advised to wait until childbirth is completed before having breast augmentation surgery. However, at Cosmetic Surgery Associates, Dr. Jabs, Dr. Richards Dr. Magge will employ the optimal surgical techniques to minimize the impact on the nipples and mammary glands, and many of their patients have been able to breastfeed children without any difficulty.

What are the different incision options for my breast augmentation surgery?

There are different incision choices for a breast augmentation procedure, and Dr. Richards, Dr. Jabs, and Dr. Magge will consider your body shape, medical history, the type and size of your implants, and your personal preferences, in order to determine the appropriate incision for your specific surgery. Incision types include:nInframammary incision–within the curve beneath the breast)nPeriareolar incision–around the lower half of the areola

Should or could I have a breast lift at the same time as breast augmentation?

A breast lift alone cannot add size or volume to the breasts—in order to achieve an increase in breast size, a breast augmentation procedure is necessary. If your goal is not only to enlarge your breasts but also to correct the problem of sagging breasts, breast augmentation performed in conjunction with a breast lift may be the best option for you. These two procedures can be performed in a single surgery, or in two separate surgeries, depending on your preference. For specific information about breast augmentations with a lift, please see (link to breast augmentation with a lift document).

How long does it take to recover from breast augmentation surgery?

Recovery time varies because of the unique details of each patient’s surgery, and the diverse healing capacities of our patients. It is generally a good idea to have someone assist you for the first few days after your surgery. Discomfort after breast augmentation surgery is usually mild to moderate, and your sutures will be removed approximately seven days after your surgery. Two to four weeks is the typical duration of the recovery period for breast augmentation surgery; however, your results will be visible immediately after surgery and will continue to improve as swelling and bruising subside.

Can breast implants cause pain years later?

Breast Implant pain is generally associated with a very late stage capsular contracture, which is a rare process.

Do breast implants cause autoimmune disease?

There is no evidence that breast implants cause any type of auto immune disease or process

Can you breast feed after breast augmentation

The short answer is yes. Some patients cannot breast feed before a breast augmentation and thus wont be able to afterwords. There may be a small chance of interrupting the ability to breast feed, but this is more likely with a sub glandular implant placement through a peri-areolar approach. Generally, the infra-mammary approach and sub muscular placement which is our standard, is very safe.

Can I move my arms after breast augmentation?

Yes- we dont want you to be too limited after surgery, but care must be taken not to engage in sports or heavy lifting for the first few weeks.

Can breast implants last 30 years?

Breast implants can last 30 years and I have several patients where that is the case. There is a misconception that breast implants should be changed out after 10 years. This does not need to happen. If you are not having a problem with the implants...let them be.

Do you have to replace breast implants every 10 years?

There is a misconception that breast implants should be changed out after 10 years. This does not need to happen. If you are not having a problem with the implants...let them be.

Does insurance cover breast implants?

Insurance does not cover breast implants for cosmetic reasons.

How painful is breast augmentation recovery?

Great question. Pain management techniques have dramatically improved in breast augmentation surgery. Breast augmentation used to be a very painful procedure, but now most patients only feel a tightness in the recovery room and may take pain medicine for just a few days after surgery. Some dont take pain medicine at all.

Is breast enlargement possible without surgery?

Breast augmentation is not possible without surgery. It can be done in office O.R.s (same day surgery).

What is the difference between a breast augmentation and breast implants?

Breast augmentation uses breast implants to enlarge the breasts.

Does getting breast implants make you gain weight?


How do I know if my breast implant is leaking?

You can tell is saline breast implants are leaking as the breast will become smaller. It is more difficult to tell with silicone implants. Often an MRI is needed to detect silicone breast implant leakage.

How do you know if you have capsular contracture?

You will know if you have a breast capsular contracture as the breast will start to feel hard and the breast implant can rise to a higher level than the implant on the other side.

Is getting a breast augmentation worth it?

Breast implant surgery has a 95% favorability rating.

What is the most common breast implant size?

The most common breast implant size is 350cc except for the Los Angeles and Miami areas where it is 450cc.

Will Cigna cover breast augmentation?

No, unless it is to correct a genetic defect. Bilateral small breasts are not considered genetic defects.

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Our Plastic Surgery Associates team includes Dr. Franklin Richards, Dr. A. Dean Jabs, and Dr. Keshav Magge. Each of our plastic surgeons is board-certified, and together they have over 60 years of combined experience. Drs. Richards, Jabs, and Magge are all highly qualified in procedures for the face, breast, and body, and pride themselves in providing excellent results through our state-of-the-art, Quad A certified operating centers