Cost Components to a Facelift Surgery
May 4, 2017
What will a facelift set you back financially? Cosmetic Surgery Associates in Bethesda, MD, and McLean, VA, provide advanced procedures such as facelifts, in addition to breast surgery procedures, including breast augmentation and breast lifts. Patients in Fairfax, Alexandria, VA, Chevy Chase, Rockville, MD, and nearby areas can receive safe,…
Continue ReadingFacelift Surgery: Which Type of Procedure is Right for Me?
April 27, 2017
Facelift Surgery – Fairfax, Alexandria, VA; Chevy Chase, Rockville, MD Cosmetic Surgery Associates, led by board-certified plastic surgeons, Dr. Franklin Richards and Dr. Dean Jabs, provides safe, proven, and effective procedures, including facelifts. Patients in Fairfax, Alexandria, VA, Chevy Chase, Rockville, MD, and surrounding communities who are looking to restore a…
Continue ReadingFacial Rejuvenation and What it Comprises
January 26, 2017
Cosmetic Surgery Associates is a premier center for plastic surgery in Virginia and Maryland. With offices in Bethseda, MD, and McLean, VA, Cosmetic Surgery Associates provides the latest and innovative treatments. The center is headed by Dr. Dean Jabs and Dr. Franklin Richards, who are board-certified plastic surgeons with more…
Continue ReadingThe Process of Facial Rejuvenation
December 29, 2016
Cosmetic Surgery Associates, led by board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Dean Jabs and Dr. Franklin Richards in Bethseda, MD, and McLean, VA, provides state-of-the-art plastic surgery procedures for the face, breasts, and the body. Patients looking to have cosmetic surgery in Virginia or Maryland can discuss their treatment options with Dr….
Continue ReadingWhat is a facelift and is it right for me?
June 23, 2016
The traditional notion of a “facelift” is far different today than it was even a decade ago. The thought of lifting the “entire” face with long incisions and wide undermining of the skin is archaic. This type of procedure will lift the face, but it lifts all of the faces….
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